L D NealNov 23, 20182 min readMuscle Research - 22/11/2018I am doing a very science-heavy subject, but do not want to go too far into the depths of the research as I will find myself constantly...
L D NealNov 21, 20182 min readResearch: Ozzy and Drix - 26/10/2018All original writing can be located in page 6 of the black sketchbook. In pursuit of inspiration for my game, I was informed of a...
L D NealNov 21, 20182 min readThe Texts: Descriptions All of the original hand-written descriptions can be found on page 1 and 2 of the black sketchbook. After completely reading and going...
L D NealNov 21, 20181 min readMechanics & Mechanic Design Specifications- 12/12/2018In order to completely design the mechanics for my game, I was given a comprehensive table of questions to follow by my year leader....
L D NealNov 21, 20182 min readLevel up – Year 1 > Year 2: Summer Project – Three Chosen Games Deconstruction and GDD IntroductionFor our second university summer project, lasting from June to the beginning of October 2018, we were instructed to research, analyse and...
L D NealNov 21, 20184 min readInitial Game Idea: The TextsINTRODUCTION The brief for the first half of our Year 2 Games Design project was to create the design document (GDD) for an original game...
L D NealNov 20, 20181 min readGame OverviewIt is said that when a person falls victim to a coma, the spirit awakens to channel an endless burning strive to live, whilst the body...
L D NealNov 20, 20181 min readMy Essential ExperienceTo experience a 'thrill' through a frantic escape from an ever-shifting world which sees you as nothing but a foe.