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  • L D Neal

Research: Ozzy and Drix - 26/10/2018

Updated: Jan 12, 2019

All original writing can be located in page 6 of the black sketchbook.

In pursuit of inspiration for my game, I was informed of a television show entitled Ozzy and Drix by a fellow coursemate. As part of my research, I went on to watch a couple of episodes.

Wikipedia describes Ozzy and Drix as an "American animated television series based on the 2001 film Osmosis Jones. It centers on Osmosis "Ozzy" Jones, a street-smart white blood cell and Drix, a stoic cold pill who battle germs and viruses inside the body of teenage boy Hector Cruz. The series is set in a stylized version of the human body, which resembles a city where microorganisms and cells are anthropomorphic."

During the time I watched some of the show, I made some notes. I noticed that the outside world has consequences on the inside world. I also noted that it is an educational show for children, and does a very good job in this respect; constantly giving useful and factual information about the human body through a large variety of in-show situations, blurring the lines between cartoon and reality. Some of the information pointed out includes informing its young audience what each organ does, referring to the spleen as a 'Big vacuum cleaner', how viruses and bacterium develop and how these illnesses can be decommissioned or killed off.

The entire exterior world is set out in a very clever way, showing acid lakes and bright, clean streets to symbolise healthy living as opposed to the filthier colour schemes of dirty streets, caused by such things as fast-food, smoking and general unhealthiness. The art style completely bursts with colour and the characters are more defined than the world's background.


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