It is said that when a person falls victim to a coma, the spirit awakens to channel an endless burning strive to live, whilst the body tries to combat the illnesses which affect it. The body can either win or lose, but if the person's spirit is strong enough, they can be victorious over the battle between life and death.
Daniel's body has been overwhelmed with disease. He has been hooked up to a life-support machine, and the doctors are planning to switch it off. In a few hours, he will be dead.
However, his spirit harbours a burning passion to live on and refuses to be dragged into oblivion.
You control Daniel's resilient spirit as it transfers to inside his horrendously ailing body. Inside, you must locate the multiple sources of the illnesses and eradicate them. However, the 'terrain' surrounding you is also sick and worse, believes that you are also part of the virus. The 'terrains' condition is constantly fluctuating, and you will have to negotiate such threats as floods of red and white blood cells, extremely hot temperatures from fevers and even the body itself trying to absorb you.
But time is of the essence. The clock is running down, and unless you fight back, the doctors will make Daniel's final decision for him.
Inspired from an original theme in Harlan Ellison's I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.