First and foremost, the overall art style of Undying Strive will generally be fairly cartoony, but not as much as to make it look childish or too fantastical. To stray away from the art style of Ozzy and Drix, the viruses, bacterium and other characters will not be made too anthropomorphic. However, some inspiration has been taken from the aforementioned television show and the game Bud Tucker in Double Trouble.
As discussed whilst Undying Strive was being put through the Three Lenses, (original research can be located on pages 20-22 of the black sketchbook) the human body is generally unappealing to look at. Nobody looks at an anatomically correct photograph of a gall bladder or spleen, and thinks "That looks aesthetically pleasing", so the idea is to make the art style from focusing on the bold and bright colours in the body’s interior to stray away from the entirely realistic and unappealing design.
The art direction will also not be based on 100% anatomically correct photographs, as working with those through an entire game development would be artistically restraining and inhumanly tedious to cross-reference every single time.
The colours inside the body make for a very cartoony aesthetic, but again the art style will not be childish or too fantastical. However, in the context of matching the intended aesthetic, I will try to make each asset, piece of level design and character as close to the anatomy as my cartoony style will allow. This is a high priority.
Underneath this text is a still from the game Bud Tucker in Double Trouble. My art style will be very similar to this, except there will be no pixel art. If you combine this art style with the one from Ozzy and Drix, then you have the closest match to what I hope my game's art style will look like.
