Since I will need a blanket 'front' card design for all my cards (as well as a reverse), I have decided to make a design based on that of an 1800s American 'wanted poster'.
I made this decision on the idea that wanted posters usually consist of a yellowing piece of paper with bold lettering. The beige colour scheme is perfect for my card content as it is a soft colour and easy to read from.
My designs would obviously omit any lettering from the old posters, so I can put my own text on them.
I tried to think of a design more saloon-themed, but that would limit my design choices to a bland wooden bar design, a series of planks of wood or the green felt of a poker table. I believe that green would be too garish a colour to read off of, so my original idea stands well.
I also want to make three variations with small differences such as:
- Burn marks
- Nail holes
- Bullet holes
- Imperfections such as rips or crumpling
These designs will go on the front of every card in my game. I wanted to make at least three variations so the designs wouldn't get 'samey' or boring for my players. It's always good to have some variety in a medium such as this.
21:55 I have set up a canvas size and gathered some reference images, and am now making these. Here are all four variations of the finished 'front' card designs:
Version 1 (no detail, acts as a template for other front card designs): I first created a basic and plain version as a template for other designs. I would then simply add a mixture of the details listed above.
Version 2 (Nail head, burn marks, rips, crumpling and a mixture of fresh and dried blood):
Version 3 (Burn marks, nail holes, blood and crumpling):
Version 4 (Blood stains, nail heads, nail holes and rips):
Work made throughout a series of weeks after the original date (02/04/2020)