It is extremely important to bear the information from the 'character design preface' in mind when reading all character backstories on this blog. Before doing so, please refer back to the information on that particular post first.
The Prospector:
Name: Travis Copperfield
"Travis Copperfield, the oldest amongst the six saloon-goers, has been around for a very long time.
Like so many others who fell under the same spell, he became infatuated with the prospect of discovering mounds of gold in the hills of California. His obsession was so great that his consecutive lack of discovery only drove him to search more and more.
He spent many years travelling to dig site to dig site, chasing any place that hearsay and rumour said there was gold to be found. His time spent prospecting did grant him some benefits as he became extremely resourceful and self-sufficient, knowing how to find water and feed himself out in the wilderness, but now possesses very little after spending almost all of his money on supplies and transport, and having no job to refill any income. He carries all of his supplies in a worn bag. He is not very skilled with a firearm, but instead knows how to use other tools to defend himself.
Rain, snow, wind, lightning, it didn’t matter; Travis kept on searching, kept on excavating. As a result, he spent a long time alone, becoming increasingly more desperate and beginning to lose his mind, finally driven mad with desire and never wanting to let the dream of infinite riches die.
Eventually, he realised that without any proper information, he was never going to find what he was looking for, so, as the American frontier began to fade away around him, he started to travel from town to town to find answers from various watering holes.
Finally, he’s tracked down a person of interest to a dusty saloon in a dingy town, who has the answers he needs to finally get what he’s been looking for for over twenty years…"