On Friday the 01st of November 2019, we each gave our presentations on our one chosen topic to the class.
Whilst these presentations were going on, Adam set up an interactive online tool so that everybody could leave useful feedback on the presentations, such as thoughts and suggestions about how people's research could be turned into viable game ideas. This also went far in truly engaging the listeners, instead of having people sit around and do nothing during the presentations.
Here is all the feedback I received on my American frontier presentation, transcribed from a .jpeg image of all my personal feedback from the interactive writing tool.
I have also included some personal notes I made on the Friday to do with how I felt at the time about the feedback I was given and my thought process on where to go next.
Underneath the writing is an image of a compilation of all the feedback I received, taken from the interactive tool and put together in a Microsoft Paint file for ease of use. This ensures I can have the feedback saved to my computer and can go back to my personal feedback without needing to access the interactive tool every time. All the information is together, so I can look at it all at once.
I received feedback from one member of my class saying that management games in particular are quite mundane and unimaginative for the kinds of games that I personally normally like to produce. I can agree that they were not my first choice, and that they probably won't be my main choice either.
Class Feedback:
Strategy game
A game where you build towns or communities using law and order to set difficulty
An 'expanding borders' game as befits the American frontier, having a small space and attempting to increase this
A house building game
Resource management system
Papers Please-type game searching for criminals on wanted posters
A game where you play as a Western doctor to showcase the healthcare and medicine of the time
A town building/tycoon game
Focus on the strategy elements of the subject you have studied
Management game where you control and maintain a town or a small group of people
Consider the Space Western subgenre
A game countering the misconceptions about the American frontier
A game focusing on the 'Manifest Destiny' style of expansion
A game that puts out the truth about the time and make a community-based game which shows the actual struggle of the townsfolk
Management game where you try to find water or manage a town as a sheriff
Crime mystery
Personal game idea notes from that Friday:
"I was considering making an adventure-based (Western) card or board game but people in the chat were discussing management games, which I like... I once made a list of character classes and I think that (the list) that would come in useful there."

Phase 2
Week 4: 21/10/2019 - 27/10/2019
Week 5: 28/10/2019 - 03/11/201