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  • L. D. Neal

Week 2: Questions and My Answers from Week 1 (Tuesday 08th October 2019) (07/10/2019 - 13/10/2019)


Would readers please note that any actual backlogging of my work began on the 22nd of November 2019, and not from the outset of Week 1. Therefore, any work before this on my blog will be somewhat lacking in recollection, advanced information, description and developer insight. I apologise for this, but thank you sincerely for reading.


What Makes You Cry?

1. Certain scenes in various film and TV shows where a favoured character dies

2. Whenever a dog dies

3. Practising mathematics

What Makes You Laugh?

1. The suicide rate of lawyers

2. Not much these days (I have a very strange sense of humour)

3. Tortoise behaviour

4. Most animal behaviour

What Stimulates You Intellectually?

1. Documentaries about history, film, religion or nature (to name a few)

2. Learning about a subject I am interested in

3. Video game lore from various franchises

4. Fictional or non-fictional characters with interesting disabilities

5. Design in general

6. Good world building in fiction (environments, habitats etc.)

7. Poetry

8. The subject of lexigrams

9. Variety (I will never get upset at variety in anything)

10. Learning something new

11. Dark subjects in fiction

12. Keyboard shortcuts

What Makes You Angry?

1. People who talk about a subject they don’t understand

2. Mostly everything

3. Liars

4. Abuse of power (this makes me furious)

5. People who don’t listen to their audience

6. Constantly argumentative people

7. Society


9. The BBC

10. YouTube’s CEOs

11. Saturday Night Live

12. The fact that Activison can’t have nice things because they constantly ruin their franchises

13. Those who perceive something at face value

14. One-word answers (in response to a large conversation)

15. The fact that the developers of The Reignited Trilogy changed the gun designs on Twilight Harbour

16. Those signs which tell you not to do something but don’t tell you why

17. Stupidity

18. Human children under the age of 9

19. People who think that they are better than everyone else

20. People with a victim complex

21. Sod’s law

22. People who whine about something they think is a problem but actually isn’t a problem any more

23. The counties of Surrey and the Borough of London

24. People who live in the counties of Surrey and the Borough of London

25. The fact that the BBC get free taxpayer’s money despite producing mediocre and boring to outright insulting content that browbeats their audience

26. BBC THREE (Oh Jesus the anger is strong with this one)

27. A lack of manners

28. A lack of human courtesy

29. Double standards

What Gets You Excited?

1. The American West/Frontier

2. Well-choreographed fight scenes in fiction

3. Bullet Hell themes

4. Very good quality video game music

5. Hearing someone pitch about a game idea that they have a lot of confidence in

6. Other people’s (good) artwork

7. Music created by but not limited to bands of the 1970s, 80s, 90s and early 2000s

8. Dyson Airblades (The old version with the different coloured surfaces)

9. Doing well on Medium difficulty on Guitar Hero

10. Autonomous bollards

11. Fast food/junk food

12. A good fictional villain

13. Overwatch short animated films

14. Animation

15. Playfighting

16. Video game artwork

17. Amazing sunsets

18. Breaking Bad

What is yet to be discovered?

  1. Proper space travel and living

  2. The creatures at the very bottom of the sea

  3. Real, true VR

  4. A real solution to overpopulation and the maintaining of resources

  5. A real solution to cancer and Motor Neurone Disease

  6. A real solution to combating landfill

  7. Cryostasis

  8. Cyber consciousness

What do you think is innovative/groundbreaking?

  1. VR (True Virtual Reality is in its very early stages, and as is the case with anything, it needs to go through sometimes hundreds of stages to be perfected)

  2. Independent organ growth/stem cell research (?)

  3. Improved services for mental health, such as methods of dealing with dementia

  4. Certain designs of packaging or machines

  5. The 'needy' pedal on trains, certain safety precautions (Deadman's Handle) (OSHA)

  6. Modern prosthetics

Final Four Chosen Topics from This Extensive List:

1. The American West/Frontier – Simplified, American West

2. Characters in Fiction with Interesting Disabilities – Simplified, Interesting Fictional Disabilities

3. Dams

4. Fight Scenes in the Media

Tuesday 08th October 2019

Week 2: 07/10/2019 - 13/10/2019

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